Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mini-books are headed home!

This week marks MANY new routines to learn.  Some are similar to those in Kindergarten and some have their own first grade feel!  One that should be familiar is mini-books and bookcarts.  Look in your first grader's maroon folder each night.  There should be a new mini-book every night for your reading enjoyment.  
For the “at-home connection” in reading, Wakefield Elementary now has Pre-K thru 6th grade book carts. Every student's benchmark score is established either by Mrs. Manz, Reading Specialist or the classroom teacher.  A letter (independent reading level) is assigned to students and that letter guides students to the correct box.  Students are allowed to choose one book to take home and read each night.  If a book is too easy, we CELEBRATE that fact!  Then we try to move the student to a level that is more appropriate so they can read independently with ease and for enjoyment.  Students return the book to school the next day, read it to someone, and (if ready) check out a new book.  
EVERYONE has the opportunity to read!

This pocket chart is what has worked best for keeping track of the mini-books that students check out.  Each book has a card that is placed in the pocket when a new book is taken home.

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