Friday, July 13, 2012

January’s Child

I just read the cutest little book and fell in love!  My mom got January’s Child (by, Andrea Alban Gosline – illustrated by, Lisa Burnett Bossi) for Cecelia’s first birthday!  It has a beautiful verse for each month of the year then uses “I” statements after each verse to describe children born in that month.  As I was reading I thought, “Wouldn’t this be great to read to the kids when we first get back to school and we’re doing our ‘All About Me’ unit talking about birthdays?”  The more I read, the more I loved!  My creative juices started going NUTS flowing and I decided to write to the authors and share my vision for this unit.  I’ve asked permission to use the verses for each month then I will have students complete their own “I” statements about themselves (“I” is one of our first vocabulary words, to boot!) and imagine themselves as an animal (like the book) and illustrate their page.  Then, we will collect all of the pages and make them into our own class book!  Great idea, huh?  I’d love to share it on TpT, so that’s why I need permission (probably for this blog, as well!)  I’ll let you know what happens!  Click on the book cover below to go to the author and illustrator's website.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Looks like I am the first to join your blog! Can't wait to read more ideas!
    If you have time check out my blog and follow if you would like!
