Friday, January 11, 2013

If I lived in a snowglobe . . . .

As we all come back to school after a generous Christmas break, first graders find themselves thinking about SNOW!  Can we go outside today so I can wear my snow pants?  Should I bring my sled to school?  There are some awesome hills!  So, rather than force firsties to think of other things we’re “harnassing” the power and talking about all things SNOW!
A favorite activity for both student and teacher is a snow globe activity that I found on pinterest last year.  I’ve seen many versions and mine is a mess work-in-progress!  Last year the paint was too dark this year it’s too light . . . and so it goes!  We made it work!
The first graders viewed MANY snow globes on the Smart Board, ensuring that they had some background knowledge to work with.  Then, we brainstormed some scenarios what would it be like to live in a snow globe?  The writing that they did is FULL of imaginative ideas and directions that I never even dreamed of (if you can imagine!)  I have taken some pictures of a few but it doesn't do them justice so . . . . please visit our room to see more!

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