Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy 100th!

Happy 100th day of school!

Wakefield Community Schools celebrated its 100th day of school in style this year (as we do every year!)  It’s always an exciting time for the younger students as we are currently talking about BIG numbers so celebrating this BIG day is a highlight of the year!
Each year we try to do something a bit different, but there are definitely favorites for each class.  In our room, for 15 years straight we’ve counted Dalmatians each day and put them on the wall of our classroom.  This is a great “reminder” of the numbers we’ve learned and helps greatly when learning to skip count or talk about terms such as before, between, and after.  Logically, on the 100th day (101st would probably be more appropriate, but . . . .) we watch the "101 Dalmatians" movie.  This year we recorded 100 words that we can read, made hats with 100 stickers, practiced writing to 100, and made a “100 Treats Trail Mix” to eat during the movie. 
The following are pictures to document our celebration ENJOY!

Here we are with our Silly Sticker Hats/Crowns!  The kids had a GREAT time making these with Mrs. Nygren!
The students were greeted this morning by a sign bearing our motto for the day, "We are 100 days smarter!"
The streamers on the door were certainly a highlight!

Each student was challenged to record 100 words they could find around the classroom!

Carefully choosing for the 100 Treats Trail Mix.
Counting 100 treats for our Trail Mix.  YUMMMMMMM!

One favorite each year is the 100 Autographs Book!

Working on a 100s math center - 100 Chart Pictures

Another hard-working first grader!
100 Words We Know!

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